Seeing and being seen, in the languages of contemporary art

Seeing and being seen, in the languages of contemporary art

The Tsinghua University Art Museum is an institution with a research vocation aimed at contemporary art. After the famous exhibition The Realm of Existence which was held in 2021 with great success among the public and critics, the TAM returns to the charge with a new exhibition for which 13 artists were asked who have created around seventy works on the theme “seeing” and “being seen”: the obsession of modern times is at the center of the new project. They are two antithetical concepts that are read and interpreted in an original way through the acute lens of artistic perception and creativity. Despite the apparent simplicity, these are central aspects in contemporary artistic production and which in this specific case are expressed through the different relationships between man and man, between man and nature and between man and society.

Viola Canova - © 2024 for Bulgari Hotel Beijing