Discovering Traditional Performing Arts

Discovering Traditional Performing Arts
The world of traditional performing arts - Noh, Kabuki, Bunraku | Courtesy Matsuoka Museum of Art

In the history of Japanese theater, gidayū is an art of drama declamation for puppet theater that takes its name from the famous actor Takemoto Gidayū (1651 - 1714) who was its creator. The Matsuoka Museum of Art dedicates an exhibition to traditional performing arts focusing on paintings and masks themed after Bunraku, Noh, Kabuki, from the collection of the founder of the museum Matsuoka Seijiro, who was a passionate connoisseur of Bunraku and who contributed to the foundation of the Gidayu Association, an association dedicated to the study and preservation of this noble art.

Paolo Mastazza - © 2024 for Bvlgari Hotel Tokyo