Cours de cuisine balinaise

Cours de cuisine balinaise

Ce cours, animé par l'équipe culinaire primée du Resort, permettra aux clients d'apprendre à préparer trois plats emblématiques indonésiens. En souvenir de cet événement, ils reçoivent un tablier Bulgari, des recettes et une expérience dînatoire exclusive au restaurant Sangkar.

what's on in Bali

The universe of ceramics in Bali and Indonesia
The universe of ceramics in Bali and Indonesia
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Mount Batur and its history in the Geopark Batur Museum
Mount Batur and its history in the Geopark Batur Museum
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The tall decorated votive poles that hang over Balinese streets: the penjor
The tall decorated votive poles that hang over Balinese streets: the penjor
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Spectacular dives: the wreck of the USAT Liberty
Spectacular dives: the wreck of the USAT Liberty
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Avant-garde art at the Nonfrasa Gallery
Avant-garde art at the Nonfrasa Gallery
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Artist portrait: Luh'De Gita
Artist portrait: Luh'De Gita
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