CLAMP is a renowned group of Japanese manga artists who have gained international fame for their artistic and storytelling style. Born in the late 1980s, CLAMP originally consisted of a very large “artist collective,” but eventually consolidated around a female quartet led by writer Nanase Ohkawa and Satsuki Igarashi, Tsubaki Nekoi and Mokona. CLAMP created very popular manga series including Card Captor Sakura, Magic Knight Rayearth, X/1999, Chobits and Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle and has had a significant impact on the manga and Japanese anime, influencing many artists and creators, thanks to an artistic style that mixes traditional Japanese aesthetics with modern elements and a narrative that blends fantasy, romance and drama, with complex characters and intricate plots. This retrospective revisits the messages CLAMP has conveyed over the years in works that have long fascinated readers of all ages and nationalities.