Yunchul Kim explores territories governed by opposing forces. As an artist he places himself at that point of balance between tradition and modernity. Between alchemy and philosophy, his art explores the fascinating unstable world, made of fluidity and transformation where opposites coexist. Elliptical Dipole, this is the title of the exhibition that the 798 Cube Art Museum dedicates to Yunchul Kim, focuses precisely on the interaction between life and death, between survival and destruction, between body and spirit, man and nature. All apparently contradictory aspects that however converge in a harmonious state of balance in Yunchul Kim's works. Particles and liquids play a fundamental role because they represent the means through which the artist expresses his creativity. Through intricate laboratory work, Kim creates micromaterials and indescribable elements that can only be interpreted through the lens of particle physics and electromagnetic flow, evoking extraordinary perceptions and profound spiritual contemplation.