"We futurists want to achieve this total fusion to reconstruct the universe by cheering it up, that is, by recreating it entirely. We will give skeleton and flesh to the invisible, the impalpable, the imponderable, the imperceptible" wrote Fortunato Depero and Giacomo Balla well ahead of their time, giving life to the Manifesto of the Futurist Reconstruction of the Universe published in 1915. Today, in the spaces of the spectacular palace designed by Jean Nouvel for Alda Fendi, an exhibition dedicated to the creative and revolutionary genius of the Futurist Fortunato Depero is set up. Painter, sculptor, illustrator, set designer, costume designer and designer, Depero was the inventor of the iconic Campari Soda bottle, designed in 1932, and later became part of the Italian collective imagination. The third floor is dedicated to the series of Marionette dei Balli Plastici (Plastic Dance Puppets), created in 1918 and part of the collection of the Mart Museum in Rovereto, where four marionettes by Depero are exhibited, between 47 and 75 cm high, positioned inside display cases. On the fourth floor, a tribute to Futurist literature, with the text of the poem La Fontana Malata (The Sick Fountain) by Aldo Palazzeschi, which reproduces the sound of drops of water in a fountain through a series of onomatopoeias and musical words. The poem is from 1909, the year of birth of Futurism.