An early example of an art book fair, as distinct from commercial book fairs or art exhibitions, was the one held in New York in the 1960s by a group of artists under the name Printed Matter, which celebrated publishing as an artistic medium. The Tokyo Art Book Fair, along with the Vancouver and London events, is an annual gathering that drives art publishing culture in the Asian region and creates an ideal opportunity for visitors to experience the vibrant art publishing arena that brings together at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo independent publishers, galleries, bookstores, and individual artists from around the world. Visitors can interact with and purchase publications directly from hundreds of publishers and artists, and discover the unique and innovative world of publishing through various events, including the Guest Country program, special exhibitions, panel talks/discussions, and film screenings.
ブルガリの新しいブティック「ブルガリ 麻布台ヒルズ」。ローマ時代を象徴する石であるトラバーチンやグリーンの大理石、ブルガリのアイコニックなモチーフ「トゥボガス」やエイトポイントスターなど、あらゆる要素がローマの豊かな伝統を思わせる空間に、ポップアートの巨匠アンディ ...