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The Planet to Save
In Praise of Diversity. A Journey Through Italian Ecosystems | Photo: Alberto Novelli | Courtesy Palazzo delle Esposizioni

Never before has Planet Earth been threatened by the incessant intervention of man. Before our eyes, the balances of nature are being thrown off in many parts of the planet, catastrophes are around the corner and the environment is revealing all its fragility. It is therefore strategic to change pace if we want to reach the goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. The exhibition, curated by Sapienza University of Rome and financed by the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC), one of the national centers dedicated to frontier research, aims to activate forms of individual and collective responsibility through knowledge. Light therefore on the delicate balances that regulate ecosystems, on the interdependence between the different forms of life existing on our planet and on our relationship with biodiversity because change comes through awareness. An exhibition for adults and children.

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