Journey into the Universe of Shepard Fairey

Journey into the Universe of Shepard Fairey
Shepard Fairey (Obey), The Pierside Mural, 2023, Santa Monica - USA |  Courtesy Shepard Fairey (Obey) | Photo: Jon Furlong

A journey into the universe of Shepard Fairey (OBEY), one of the most influential street artists on an international level. The installation is structured like the spaces of a city: from a central square, five different paths branch off, leading the viewer to discover the most representative themes of Obey’s art. Propaganda collects the works that are an expression of Shepard Fairey’s socio-political commitment, such as HOPE, an iconic work created for Obama’s election campaign. In the Peace and Justice section, there is the image Defend Dignity, used by demonstrators in 2017 during the protests for a more inclusive America. Another section of the exhibition is dedicated to the Environment with images that evoke the beauty and at the same time the fragility of our planet. In Music the artist pays homage to musical idols such as Chuck D, Bob Marley and Joe Strummer, reminding the viewer of the same values ​​and messages that they sang in their songs. And finally the New Works section features a selection of works never exhibited before, where the juxtaposition of psychedelic colors prevails.

Viola Canova - © 2024 for Bulgari Hotel Milano