One year after his death, the Museo Diocesano dedicates an exhibition to Giovanni Chiaramonte, an Italian photographer who dedicated his life to redefining the image of the contemporary landscape. Chiaramonte's poetics focused on reality, capturing it in its totality, free from any preconceptions, ready to welcome the unpredictability of existence. Divided into three sections, Italy, Europe and Americas, the exhibition is a story told through 40 shots on the different ways of perceiving the landscape and the urban view. Through his research, Chiaramonte goes to the origins of Western civilization, on a journey that from Athens and Rome, passes through Berlin and reaches the Bosphorus and Jerusalem. The journey that continues in the United States and Central America to trace the development of the path of the West, is also the pretext for a theoretical reflection on the act of photographing, on the nature of the object represented and on the act of seeing itself.
Last night, Bvlgari celebrated the launch of Masterpieces from the Torlonia Collection, a new exhibit at the Louvre. As a supporter of the Torlonia collection ...