Discover more about Bvlgari Hotel Miami
Located on the waterfront with access to Miami's beautiful beaches, the Bvlgari Hotel Miami Beach will offer stunning ocean views just a few steps from the exciting Miami Art Deco district.
The building that will become Bvlgari Hotel Miami Beach was originally designed as a hotel by Miami architect Albert Anis in the late 1950's, as part of the city's Modernist movement, and its restoration will be overseen by the Italian architectural firm Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel. Blending a glamourous past with a just-as-glamourous present, décor will reflect the property’s legacy as winter destination for the Old Hollywood set. The Hotel will have some 100 rooms, most of which will be Suites, and will also be home a large outdoor pool, spa and signature bar and dining from Chef Niko Romito.
Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts peerless expression of luxury will be coming to the Maldives, thanks to an agreement just signed for the Bvlgari Resort Ranfushi, to ...
A chic new addition to the region, the Resort will occupy 10 hectares of terraced gardens on the tip of a private peninsula. The new property will be home to ...
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位于上海宝格丽酒店内的意大利餐厅Il Ristorante - Niko Romito由米其林名厨Niko Romito精心打造,以创新方式演绎经典意大利传统珍馐。国际知名餐饮指南Gambero Rosso为这家餐厅荣誉授予了两把餐叉的标志,象征着它已跻身2025年全球最佳意大利餐厅之列。这对于主厨Niko ...