Tour de la ville

Tour de la ville

En plus des tours classiques de la ville, des visites thématiques sont également proposées aux clients qui souhaitent découvrir une facette spécifique de Shanghai, comme l'art culinaire, le design, la mode, etc.

what's on in Shanghai

Liang Shaoji interprets glass in an artistic way
Liang Shaoji interprets glass in an artistic way
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Sustainability, Nature, Community - The Project 1000 Trees by Thomas Heatherwick
Sustainability, Nature, Community - The Project 1000 Trees by Thomas Heatherwick
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Viewing Rooms Online to Allow for the Enjoyment of Contemporary Art
Viewing Rooms Online to Allow for the Enjoyment of Contemporary Art
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Tan Yongqing: AI between divinity and technological progress
Tan Yongqing: AI between divinity and technological progress
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A Book which Looks at the Aesthetic that Dominated Shanghai for Twenty Years
A Book which Looks at the Aesthetic that Dominated Shanghai for Twenty Years
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Shanghai’s “Creative” Slaughterhouse
Shanghai’s “Creative” Slaughterhouse
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