Face to face with the art of Liu Ding

Face to face with the art of Liu Ding

The mission of the Magician Space gallery is to keep pace with experimentation, giving voice to artists and space to works that venture into unexplored territories. In the recent re-arrangement of the spaces, a new platform was introduced, called The Lobby, which aims to encourage the search for artists with visionary intuition, creativity and intellectual depth. The first to be hosted is Liu Ding, an artist who dives deep into conceptual art and works around the historical progress of contemporary art through the lens of cultural history. During the visit, people are invited first to read the stories of the protagonists and to learn about their intellectual and emotional states, then they will be able to engage physically by picking up the work from the ground with their own hands, hanging it on the walls and, finally, they will be able to contemplate their visual reactions.

Viola Canova - © 2024 ARTE.it for Bulgari Hotel Beijing