Discover Beijing

Discover Beijing

This 2 to 4-hour excursion introduces guests to such cultural landmarks as the Lama Temple, which is the former residence of the Emperor, and the Temple of Confucius, which is the second largest Confucian Temple in China. Guests can opt to travel by car, bike or on foot, relying on our team of knowledgeable experts to make the trip a fascinating one.

what's on in Beijing

States of Mind According to the Artist Hans Op de Beeck
States of Mind According to the Artist Hans Op de Beeck
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Hao Jinfang and Her Dystopic Metropolis
Hao Jinfang and Her Dystopic Metropolis
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Christopher Le Brun's painting between sensual and emotional
Christopher Le Brun's painting between sensual and emotional
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A Musical to tell the Story of Confucius
A Musical to tell the Story of Confucius
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Liang Hao's sculpture
Liang Hao's sculpture
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Walls of light and stones that do not divide with Scully
Walls of light and stones that do not divide with Scully
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