A show that combines Tao and Art

A show that combines Tao and Art

The show The Colors derives from a type of calligraphic work called Lao Chuang by calligrapher Dong Yang-Zi. It is a performance that combines drums, giant gong and flute signed by the artistic director of the U-Theatre Liu Ruo-Yu and the musical director Huang Chih-Chun. Ke Shu-Ling's colorful paintings are projected onto the stage in a combination of art, music, dance and multimedia. The figures perform pirouetting and lunging movements, typical of Tai-Chi, to animate the ancient works. The scenography is a collaboration between the painter Ke Shu-Ling and the set designer and lighting designer Lin Keh-Hua. A show that is an investigation of the Tao of Lao Zhuang, an exploration of life and the spiritual concept of unity between Taoism and art.

Viola Canova - © 2024 ARTE.it for Bulgari Hotel Beijing