

东京餐厅由意大利著名建筑设计师 Antonio Citterio 先生设计,尽显时尚典雅及一丝不苟的风格,与宝格丽米兰餐厅的建筑和装潢设计概念相互呼应。从装饰、色彩和细节,无一不显露出当代的华丽。丰富的材料使用,搭配从玻璃落地窗倾泻而下的光线,营造出广阔的空间感。桌上装饰采用了宝格丽设计的纯银餐具和烛台,简约中见精致。



Il Ristorante - Luca Fantin

Fantin’s style is a contemporary interpretation of traditional, but elegant Italian cuisine, based on the use of top-quality Japanese local raw materials in season that are elaborated with refined techniques and great creativity.


Bvlgari Ginza Bar

Bvlgari Ginza Bar is the ideal spot for enjoying Bvlgari Afternoon Tea Box throughout the afternoon, as well as the authentic, Italian-style aperitivo – the dynamic, before-dinner cocktail served from 5:30pm onward that made the lounge bar of the Bvlgari Hotel in Milan famous. Located on the 10th floor and overlooking the restaurant, the bar is characterized by the same style and atmosphere. Dominating the space is a bar counter in black resin, around which are arranged tables and furniture creating a series of smaller, more intimate spaces.


Il Caffé

宝格丽Il Café庆祝阪急梅田百货公司隆重开幕。作为宝格丽唯一的咖啡馆品牌, Il Café的当代设计中展现了宝格丽的永恒格调,营造出雅致的氛围,让您在奢华而悠闲的环境中享受非凡时刻。Il Café 咖啡馆紧邻宝格丽珠宝及腕表店,提供宝格丽的定制服务和尊贵的生活体验。

