La Terrazza 酒吧

La Terrazza Dom Pèrignon 酒吧


La Terrazza Dom Pèrignon 酒吧

「香檳王唐培理農Lounge」座落於銀座塔頂樓,提供了香檳鑑賞家們絕佳的典範。賓客品味Dom Pérignon Blanc, Rosé, Œnoteque 1996年份及其他珍稀年份的美酒,佐以BvlgariII Ristorante Luca Fantin餐廳行政主廚Luca Fantin的創意菜餚。現代感的時尚露臺巧妙融合著義大利風格的花園,成為東京獨特的迷人景緻。奢華卻自在的氣氛證明了此處是品嚐香檳「餐前酒」或私人派對的最佳去處。



Il Ristorante - Luca Fantin

Fantin’s style is a contemporary interpretation of traditional, but elegant Italian cuisine, based on the use of top-quality Japanese local raw materials in season that are elaborated with refined techniques and great creativity.


Bulgari Ginza Bar

Bulgari Ginza Bar is the ideal spot for enjoying Bulgari Afternoon Tea Box throughout the afternoon, as well as the authentic, Italian-style aperitivo – the dynamic, before-dinner cocktail served from 5:30pm onward that made the lounge bar of the Bulgari Hotel in Milan famous. Located on the 10th floor and overlooking the restaurant, the bar is characterized by the same style and atmosphere. Dominating the space is a bar counter in black resin, around which are arranged tables and furniture creating a series of smaller, more intimate spaces.



銀座塔 8 樓設有兩間相鄰接的私人包廂,兩個包廂之間是酒吧區,是舉行早餐會報、晚餐派對或宴會的理想場所,可容納 36 個人。包廂內設有影音系統,可以進行電話會議、業務會議和會報。包廂周圍是掛有帷幔的鍍銅玻璃,絕對隱密。兩個包廂中間以沙發和酒吧銜接,柚木地面和細工鑲板散發出沉穩高貴的氣氛。

