Fu Rao's art builds a bridge between East and West

Fu Rao's art builds a bridge between East and West

Eastern culture and philosophy meet the West in the art of Rao Fu. Born and raised in Beijing, the artist was able to complete his studies in Dresden, Germany, where he now teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts. Straddling two different worlds, Fu tries to find a point of balance by developing a unique and original system of rules on colors and shapes. In his works, traditional Chinese landscape painting and calligraphy mix with European painting, in particular with examples of the tradition linked to the Dresden School and painters such as Edvard Munch, Peter Doig and Daniel Richter. Rao Fu is familiar with a variety of different painting techniques: in his paintings he manages to move from the brush of traditional Chinese calligraphy to the use of bright colors. On the stage, dreams, reality, events of the present and biographical elements mix in a representation that stages the eternal conflicts of our world between lights and shadows.

Viola Canova - © 2024 ARTE.it for Bulgari Hotel Shanghai
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