Kelas Memasak

Kelas Memasak

Dipimpin oleh tim kuliner pemenang penghargaan, para tamu akan belajar menyiapkan tiga hidangan khas Indonesia. Sebagai kenang-kenangan, para tamu juga akan menerima celemek Bvlgari, resep, dan pengalaman bersantap eksklusif di restoran Sangkar.


The dance of ecstasy: Sanghyang Dedari
The dance of ecstasy: Sanghyang Dedari
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The tall decorated votive poles that hang over Balinese streets: the penjor
The tall decorated votive poles that hang over Balinese streets: the penjor
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Between art and craftsmanship, the many transformations of Balinese leaves
Between art and craftsmanship, the many transformations of Balinese leaves
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Ketut Nugi: contemporary art that looks to the past
Ketut Nugi: contemporary art that looks to the past
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A collection fit for a king at the Buleleng museum
A collection fit for a king at the Buleleng museum
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Discovering the Carangsari village
Discovering the Carangsari village
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