Tan Yongqing: AI between divinity and technological progress

Tan Yongqing: AI between divinity and technological progress

Tan Yongqing brings his reflection into the context of highly topical issues related to the apparent world and artificial intelligence, examining the boundary between reality and virtuality, and reflects on the resulting anxiety and discomfort. Although he grew up in the Internet age, Tan expresses classical, elegant and refined painting, with a strong sense of discipline. From an observation point permeated by calm and tranquility, the artist scrutinizes humanity in the midst of the technological vortex in which it finds itself, from a purely aesthetic perspective. In his vision, the end of artificial intelligence coincides with the beginning of the emergence of gods. At first, humanity was unable to distinguish whether the gods manifested themselves in their true form or as projections of artificial images. But today with the rapid development of technology, it no longer remains a myth that artificial intelligence can itself become a god, or soon evolve into one.

Viola Canova - © 2024 ARTE.it for Bulgari Hotel Shanghai