Exclusive Lounge in Beijing

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ردهة بولغري

Relaxed glamour is the spirit of the Lounge, a refined space for gathering in comfort and style. Featuring black granite floors, soaring ceilings and floor-to-celing windows, the space looks out onto a bamboo alley that provides privacy and shade.

From the moment guests arrive, they are immersed in Bvlgari style, with a portrait of founder Sotirio Bulgari by renowned Chinese artist Yan Pei Ming gracing the entrance of the hotel.

The Lobby is nothing short of exquisite, with its custom-made glass and bronze screens, black marble counters and an original antique map from 1690 by famed Italian cartographer Vincenzo Maria Coronelli.

Decor is considered — and comfortable, with large lounge sofas, low tables, bronze-coloured carpets and glamourous Dolce Vita-era photography gracing the space, which looks out onto lush private gardens designed by landscape architect Enzo Enea.

It is a serene setting for Bvlgari Afternoon Tea, which can be taken in front of the fire — a signature feature of all Bvlgari Hotels. 

La Pasticceria - Niko Romito

Bulgari Hotels and Resorts La Pasticceria - Niko Romito

La Pasticceria - Niko Romito, an exclusive collection of 11 pastries created by Chef Niko Romito, is available at Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts in Milan, Dubai, Beijing, Shanghai and Paris. Each single-portioned pastry is inspired by a different region in Italy, and crafted for a modern palate with lighter ingredients than the traditional recipes. Pastries are beautifully executed to be enjoyed in the lounge on colourful Ginori 1735 plates. For Afternoon Tea, mignon versions of the pastries are available, the perfect addition to an assortment that includes organic teas and savoury snacks.



La Pasticceria is open, take-away only

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Bulgari Hotels Cannoncino alla Crema

Cannoncino alla Crema Pasticcera

Hailing from Piedmont, this delicate puff pastry is filled with custard cream and carefully folded to obtain a uniform width that perfectly complements the sweet interior.

Bulgari Hotels Torta Mimosa

Torta Mimosa

A Ligurian specialty associated with International Women’s Day, which is symbolized by the mimosa flower. Each cake is topped with cubes of cake to resemble the gorgeous flower.

Bulgari Hotels Monte Bianco

Monte Bianco

Created in 19th century Piedmont, this dessert is named after the snowy peaks of Mont Blanc. Traditionally made with chestnut purée, this version uses natural chestnuts for a lighter taste.

Bulgari Hotels Cannolo Siciliano

Cannolo Siciliano

The Sicilian classic, featuring a biscuit rolled into a perfect cylinder and filled with ricotta and organic pistachio crumble.

Bulgari Hotels Torta Caprese

Torta Caprese

This flourless Neapolitan classic comes from Capri. It’s made with vegetable fats to make it lighter than the traditional version.

Bulgari Hotels Crostata Crema Frutta Secca

Crostata Crema e Frutta Fresca

A traditional fruit tart with a shortbread crust, it is topped with a layer of custard and the freshest seasonal fruit.

Bulgari Hotels and Resorts Cassata


Originating in the Sicilian capital of Palermo, the cassata cake is a favourite sweet of the region. Rich in history, flavour and aroma, it conjures the unique terroir of Sicily in every bite.

Bulgari Hotels Babà con Crema Fragole

Babà Crema e Fragole

Soaked in rum and topped with fresh cream and strawberries, this dessert was a favourite of Neapolitan aristocracy and its secret lies in the kneading and rising time of the dough.

Bulgari Hotels Profiteroles


These small round puff pastry choux are filled with cream and topped with melted chocolate, a Tuscan specialty whose name comes from the French profit, meaning little gift.

Bulgari Hotels Frolla Lamponi e Nocciole

Frolla, Lamponi e Nocciole

From the Italian Tyrol, or Trentino Alto Adige region, this masterpiece layers hazelnut shortbread, raspberry preserves and sliced nuts. The shortbread is made without butter.

Bulgari Hotels Millefoglie alla Vaniglia

Millefoglie alla Vaniglia

One of the most popular desserts in the world, this sweet originates in Lombardy and layers delicate puff pastry with vanilla cream.

قد يعجبك أيضاً

Il Bar at The Bvlgari Hotel Beijing

The Bvlgari Bar

يتّسم إل بار في فندق بولغري بكين بأجواء راقية، وهو من دون شكّ الملاذ المنشود من نخبة بكين. يستمتع الضيوف بمجموعة من الكوكتيلات ومشروب العنب والمشروب الفوار خلال فترة المشروبات الفاتحة للشهية التي تشتهر العلامة بتقديمها، سواء أرادوا الجلوس على المنضدة البيضاوية أو على الشرفة في الهواء الطلق للتمتّع بمنظر النهر الرائع.

الموقع: الطابق الأول

Bvlgari Hotel Beijing - Il Ristorante - Niko Romito

إل ريستورانتي نيكو روميتو

يفتح المطعم الذي يتّسع لـ70 شخصاً أبوابه لتناول الغداء والعشاء مع مناظر خلّابة تطلّ على المنتزه.يُعد إل ريستورانتي نيكو روميتو أحد أفضل المطاعم الإيطالية في بكين، ويتزيّن بأثاث رائع تساهم في اختبار زواره لتجربة تناول طعام سلسة، فقد تمّ تصميم ثريات مورانو الزجاجية خصيصاً للمطعم، وتكتسي المقاعد والأعمدة بجلد بنّي داكن يتماشى مع ألوان الجدران ...

Bvlgari Hotel SPA in Beijing

سبا بولغري

يحتلّ سبا بولغري الباعث على الراحة طابقين من فندق بولغري بكين على مساحة 1500 متر مربع، ويتميّز بعلاجاته التي تستخدم فيها تقنيات مستوحاة من التقاليد الصينية. وتتميز الصالة الرياضية الفسيحة واستوديو التمارين الحركية المجاورة بأحدث معدات التكنوجيم ومعدات الكينسيس، ومركز اللياقة البدنية ورك شوب، إضافة إلى توفر جلسات البيلاتس. تلفّ الضيوف الراحة ...


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