Occupy MAM

Occupy MAM

Photographer, “adventurer”, underground film artist, skateboarder. Mostly self-taught. Ari Marcopulos is a New York artist born in Holland who arrives in Paris for an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art whose title already makes a promise: Carte Blanche. Free space of expression therefore for an exhibition that revolves around the work Brown Bag which allows Marcopulos to reread some works in the MAM Collection through the prism of the countercultures so familiar to him. “Brown Bag - explains Marcopulos - is a super-8 short film about skateboarders in New York that I made in 1993. The film remained unused, developed in a brown paper bag for 25 years and I rediscovered it during a move in 2018, then I assembled it. It's a treasure that could have easily disappeared… A lot of my job is finding things. My eyes and mind are always open to what surrounds me: curiosity and passion drive me to engage deeply with the world."

Veronica Azzari - © 2024 ARTE.it for Bulgari Hotel Paris
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