Marty Schnapf: interpenetration of figures and environments

Marty Schnapf: interpenetration of figures and environments

In Marty Schnapf's paintings the human figures interpenetrate each other and the surrounding environments. The signs made with charcoal leave room for brushstrokes that clearly define the contours. His figures are often shown as intertwined and solitary. Real and imaginary intertwine seamlessly. Raised on a farm in Newburgh, Indiana, Schnapf began his career as an artist creating works outdoors. Today he lives and works in Los Angeles. He applies himself indifferently to painting, drawing, sculpture and performance, showing a great ability to find expression through different means and supports. His world evokes an inconstant sensual and psychological space where dream, desire, memory and premonition mix.

Viola Canova - © 2024 for Bulgari Hotel Shanghai
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