A long black sandy beach skirting the sea - that is Kusamba, a magical place from which to admire the comings and goings of fishermen as they prepare their nets and boats, the jukung, the outrigger boats typical of Bali, now quite rare, that bear witness to the capacities of skilled artisans and the rich maritime tradition of the island. However, there is another activity to be admired from the beach of Kusamba, a vocation where the repeated gestures enchant - it is the activity of the inhabitants of the village gathering water from the sea with pails set at the extreme ends of portage staffs which are then emptied onto the black sand. When the salt begins to crystallize, thanks to the sun, it is brought into sheds to undergo a filtering process. This ancient work, which would seem to date back to almost a thousand years ago, along with fishing, is still, today, the principal occupation of the village’s inhabitants. It is also possible to purchase a package of this salt with its fragrance of the sea and history itself.
Last night, Bvlgari celebrated the launch of Masterpieces from the Torlonia Collection, a new exhibit at the Louvre. As a supporter of the Torlonia collection ...