Pagerwesi, a celebration to ward off evil from minds and actions

Pagerwesi, a celebration to ward off evil from minds and actions

On the Island of Bali the calendar of religious ceremonies has a tight sequence of holidays. One of the most important is undoubtedly Pagerwesi which corresponds to the day in which the Balinese strengthen their minds and souls against the forces of evil. The word comes from “pager” and “wesi”, which mean “fence” and “iron”. The "iron fence" is a symbol of strong self-protection: Balinese people focus on building a personal fortification to ensure that evil does not enter their minds, words and actions, to avoid harm to their surroundings. The Pagerwesi ceremony is repeated every six months according to the Pawukon, the Balinese calendar. To celebrate this special day, Balinese people normally pray and go to the temple. They usually prepare traditional Penjors, the tall decorated bamboo poles, and make offerings to the Sanghyang Paramesti Guru. Unlike other ceremonies, Pagerwesi takes place in the middle of the night.

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