Bvlgari Hotels and Resorts Milano S.r.l. adopted the ORGANISATIONAL, MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL MODEL pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 to define the set of protocols governing the company's structure and the management of its sensitive processes in order to reduce the risk of commission of criminal offences envisaged by the legislation. The company has therefore set up the Supervisory Board in accordance with the laws in force, in a monocratic composition, with the task of supervising the implementation and adequacy of the Organisation Model, which includes, among other documents, the Code of Ethics 231. Click HERE to view the latest version of the Code of Ethics approved by the Board of Directors of Bvlgari Hotels and Resorts Milano Srl.
불가리 글로벌 브랜드 앰베서더 프리양카 초프라 조나스가 출연하고 아토믹 프로덕션이 제작, 안드레아 로베타가 감독한 새로운 영화는 시청자들에게 불가리 호텔 로마의 전례 없는 시각을 제공하며 이 호텔에 영감을 준 장인 정신과 문화를 발견할 수 있도록 합니다.