Tour de la ville

Tour de la ville

En plus des tours classiques de la ville, des visites thématiques sont également proposées aux clients qui souhaitent découvrir une facette spécifique de Shanghai, comme l'art culinaire, le design, la mode, etc.

what's on in Shanghai

The fluctuations of the unconscious between the banks of a river
The fluctuations of the unconscious between the banks of a river
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Tan Yongqing: AI between divinity and technological progress
Tan Yongqing: AI between divinity and technological progress
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AUUUUDITORIUM: where study is movement, circulation, redistribution
AUUUUDITORIUM: where study is movement, circulation, redistribution
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All humanity, in Hu Xiangcheng's sound installation
All humanity, in Hu Xiangcheng's sound installation
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The City of the Seven Treasures
The City of the Seven Treasures
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Stories within stories
Stories within stories
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