A Piece of China in Bali - the Caow Eng Bio Temple

A Piece of China in Bali - the Caow Eng Bio Temple

The Caow Eng Bio Temple is one of the oldest on Bali, dating back, according to local stories, to the Kingdom of Badung, around 1548, dedicated to the adoration of the Goddess Shui Wei Sheng Nian and Xiongdi Gong, deities of the sea and protectors of the Hainanese people. At the time, some Hainan merchants set anchor in the archipelago but were attacked and robbed while crossing the Malacca Strait. The survivors continued their journey but were struck by a tempest. The story goes that a voice, probably of a sea deity, intervened to calm their souls and the storm in return for their promise to build a temple. The King of Pemecutan Badung gave land to the merchants to build a temple which still, today, welcomes the prayers of Chinese descendants and local residents alike. Its colourful architecture, decorated with statues, divinities and Chinese lamps comes to life especially for the Lunar New Year, between Feburary and April, with shows, dances, martial arts and classical Oriental music.
Graziella Melania Geraci - © 2023 ARTE.it for Bulgari Resort Bali