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The extraordinary world of butterflies

With their thin, fragile and colorful wings, butterflies represent the symbol par excellence of metamorphosis, undoubtedly one of the infinite wonders that nature offers us. Until June 9th near Via Appia Nuova, there is a magical place surrounded by greenery where it is possible to admire some of the most beautiful exotic butterflies in the world. In the Greenhouse of Wonders an authentic tropical environment has been recreated where over thirty different species of butterflies from all over the world can flutter, lay eggs, feed and court each other in a magical dance. If you are particularly lucky, you may witness the hatching of a chrysalis and the birth of a new butterfly. A unique experience due to the fact that inside the greenhouse you can move freely, walking along the paths. A staff of qualified biologists and entomologists is available to visitors and is able to answer all questions.

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