ブルガリ ジムナジウム

Bvlgari Hotel Tokyo - Bvlgari Gymnasivm


ブルガリ ジムナジウム

Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts new fitness concept, developed in partnership with Technogym, a world leading brand in products and digital technologies for fitness, sport, and health for wellness, Bvlgari Gymnasivm has been crafted to create an extraordinary wellness and fitness experience designed to the highest standards for the guests’ training.

The Bvlgari Gymnasivm journey begins at the fitness center, where guests are offered a comprehensive wellness assessment using the latest digital innovations via the Technogym Checkup. This onboarding uses AI to create a training programme designed for optimal results, which the guest can access at any time from their own devices.

On-demand workouts are a key part of the bespoke Technogym offerings, giving guests in-room access to a library of dynamic workouts.

Available in all properties except London and Paris, Bvlgari Gymnasivm represents the brand's commitment to providing unique wellness and fitness journeys specifically tailored to the needs and passions of each guest.


Bulgari Hotel Tokyo The Bulgari Spa

ブルガリ スパ

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Bulgari Hotel Tokyo Pool


長さ25メートルの屋内スイミングプールは、壮麗なエメラルドグリーンのモザイクタイルで飾られ、水面の奥でブルガリの宝石と同じ輝きを放ちます。隣接するバイタリティプールは、古代ローマのカラカラ浴場の床の模様を思い起こさせるモザイクで彩られています。宝石を思わせる美しさで輝くバイタリティープールは、ローマのハイジュエラー ...

Bulgari Hotel Tokyo Floor Terrace


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