Bvlgari is doubling down on its commitment to creating a sustainable future. Its new strategy, “innovating the present for a sustainable future,” retraces key elements of the company’s existing “giving back” strategy, including its long-standing partnership with Save the Children and cultural patronage, before outlining new initiatives. The COVID-19 pandemic has created an opportunity for luxury brands to take the lead in fundraising and corporate responsibility. In light of the crisis, Bvlgari has created the Bvlgari Virus Free Fund to support vaccine research and development. To improve tracing and transparency of its philanthropic programmes, Bvlgari will be using blockchain technology to track all of its initiatives. In addition, environmental sustainability remains a critically important part of the brand’s mission, with Bvlgari committing to drastically reducing its footprint over the next few years.
Bvlgari Hotel Shanghai leans into the spirit of St. Valentine's Day with a luxurious programme to celebrate the many facets of love. From an Il Cioccolato boxed ...
位于上海宝格丽酒店内的意大利餐厅Il Ristorante - Niko Romito由米其林名厨Niko Romito精心打造,以创新方式演绎经典意大利传统珍馐。国际知名餐饮指南Gambero Rosso为这家餐厅荣誉授予了两把餐叉的标志,象征着它已跻身2025年全球最佳意大利餐厅之列。这对于主厨Niko ...
Bvlgari Hotel Roma
The ultimate expression of Bvlgari takes shape in the newest Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts jewel, its ninth property. Located in the Campo Marzio neighborhood, ...
On the occasion of World Children's Day, Italian basketball champion and former NBA player Gigi Datome teams up with Bvlgari and Save the Children to treat the ...