The magic of kites in the skies of Bali

The magic of kites in the skies of Bali

In the dry season, between July and August, when the winds blow from East to West in most of Indonesia, the Bali sky transforms into a grand kite-flying festival. There is always a dimension of magic in every object that lifts its shadow from the ground, but the kites in flight are charged with more than a religious meaning, becoming messengers of thanksgiving to the Hindu gods for having given men abundant harvests. The Bali Kite Festival takes place in the Padang Galak area, on Sanur Beach. In those days you can admire the traditional Bebean, fish-shaped kites with a wide mouth and split tail, the bird-shaped Janggan with a large tail of flowing fabric that can reach more than 100 meters in length and the Pecukan with the shape reminiscent of leaves. Fantastic creations, made of fabric and bamboo, are governed by entire teams, made up of around 70-80 people, each accompanied by their own musical band and flag-wavers. Every year there is also a competition for "newly created" kites which can include three-dimensional figures of the most diverse shapes.

Viola Canova - © 2024 for Bulgari Resort Bali