The Destination Bvlgari experience captures the best of Bvlgari hotel tokyo

The Destination Bvlgari experience captures the best of Bvlgari hotel tokyo
Bvlgari Hotel Tokyo - Destination Bvlgari
Bvlgari Hotel Tokyo - Destination Bvlgari
Bvlgari Hotel Tokyo - Destination Bvlgari

Bvlgari Hotel Tokyo invites travelers to experience every facet of the Bvlgari experience with an extraordinary two-nights getaway. Set in the heart of Tokyo's sophisticated Yaesu district, the Hotel ensconces guests in Bvlgari's signature Italian excellence. To ensure an unforgettable stay, guests will receive a guaranteed upgrade on Deluxe Room King bookings, as well as gifts of Bvlgari Il Cioccolato’s famed chocolate gems, daily breakfast, a classic Italian aperitivo for two at The Bvlgari Bar, dinner at Sushi Hōseki restaurant or Il Ristorante - Niko Romito, and access to the facilities at the Bvlgari Spa, including the indoor pool. Designed as an exquisite escape for two, it's an elevated way to discover the world of Bvlgari amidst Tokyo's myriad treasures.