Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop & Sampling Lounge
Internationally renowned and multi-awarded cigar merchant Edward Sahakian’s eponymous Cigar Shop and Sampling Lounge at Bvlgari Hotel London has established itself as the premier Knightsbridge destination for connoisseurs in search of truly exceptional vintage cigars.
Specialising in rare Havanas that are quite simply unobtainable elsewhere, the cigars are sourced from Edward Sahakian’s private collection, which has been assembled over the last forty years.
The provenance and condition of each cigar is unimpeachable and unparalleled and this gem of a location has rapidly established itself as an international landmark for cigar lovers who find themselves in the British capital.
The Cigar Shop and Sampling Lounge is open:
Monday to Wednesday: 4pm-12am
Thursday to Saturday: 12pm-12am
Sunday: 12pm-10pm
For Cigar Shop enquiries, please email: