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Marcia Hafif's Pop-Minimal style in Rome

Marcia Hafif's connection with Italy dates back to 1951 when she presented her thesis at college while still very young. She had chosen to delve into the Italian Renaissance. Ten years later, she decides to spend some time in Florence, but instead, due to a sudden change of plans, she finds herself in Rome where she stays for the next eight years during which she carries out painting works that Hafif herself defines as "Pop-Minimal", in which geometric patterns gradually give way to the shapes of the hills. The exhibition Roma 1961-1969 set up in the MACRO rooms retraces the relationship of the American painter Marcia Hafif with the Italian city and with the artistic scene of the time through the works she created in that period. Paintings on canvas, works on paper and a selection of photographs taken by Hafif herself in the capital.

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