The Afternoon Tea Menu lets guests sample the La Pasticceria collection, with five mignon versions of Chef Niko's signature creations included in the service. Exclusively designed by Niko Romito for Bvlgari Hotels in Milano, Dubai, Beijing and Shanghai, traditional treats like cannolo and cassata cake have been reinvented for a more modern palate, with the chef taking a lighter approach to classic desserts.
In addition to the pastries from La Pasticceria - Niko Romito, the Afternoon Tea menu includes three savory snacks, such as Bomba with Milk Fed Veal and Tuna Sauce, Bread with Smoked Salmon, Wild Fennel and Orange and Mini Tomato Bruschetta, to be paired with a variety of organic tea blends.
名为“I Vimini”的空间表示“连接区”,位于宝格丽米兰酒店餐厅的正前方,由 16 棵种植在大花瓶中的月桂树划分界限。如果用来举办私人活动,它可以容纳 50 人。
五个小“房间”由形成伞状的法国梧桐守卫,法国梧桐的树干被向上攀升的白藤包裹,创造出一个神秘的空间,可用来举办 50 人规模的私人活动。
Italy's fashion capital is home to one of Bvlgari's flagship boutiques, at Via Gesù 4. Visiting the store is the perfect complement to a stay at the Bvlgari ...
黑色树脂制成的椭圆形大型吧台格外醒目,使酒吧看起来简单又优雅。透过壮观的玻璃窗,可以一览酒店私人花园的恬静景色。因此成为酒店顾客和内行米兰人的聚会场所。鸡尾酒时刻提供经典的意式小吃 (aperitivo),搭配无数传统和新式饮料(包括特别的宝格丽鸡尾酒),回味无穷。顾客还可以根据需要选择散装茶叶或草本茶 ...
继北京、迪拜及上海的餐厅顺利开业后,如今米其林三星大厨 Niko Romito将他享有盛名的餐厅带回这一切开始的地方: 意大利 — 更具体地说,在米兰宝格丽酒店。Niko大厨创立了自己的当代意大利烹饪理念,他曾潜心学习过两年的传统烹饪技巧与食材,建立当代意大利烹调的标准:他以食材本身的味道为主,并将“Made in ...
Bvlgari Hotel Milano Spa是一处身心休憩的场所,是促进平衡的一种和谐气氛,在非常华丽优雅的环境中提供当代健康所需的各种常规内容。日光滤过玻璃墙,照亮水池的纯金瓷砖。桑拿浴室和外部水力按摩池让客人在体验之后感到沉醉。配备四个私人包厢和一个情侣套房,适合个性化服务。