
Lounge 5



休息室是隐藏在酒店核心地带的一个珍珠,无论是早间咖啡、下午茶或开胃酒时间,坐在珍贵大理石台面的茶几旁,静心地阅读书籍、放松身心,或与朋友和同事一起小酌、茶饮或小吃,都能尽致体会出它的现代温馨氛围。此外,在这里还可以品尝到 Niko Romito 大厨专门为宝格丽酒店和度假村构思的 Il Cioccolato 或 La Pasticceria 新口味甜品、糕点。

菜单 Healthy Menu

Bulgari Hotel Paris - Tea Time

Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea — that much-loved tradition from across the Channel — gets a continental update with Chef Niko Romito and Bvlgari Hotel Paris' distinctive reimagination of the classic British Afternoon Tea. With an eye on seasonal ingredients and flavours, the experience begins with orange scones served with mascarpone, honey and jam, followed by three savoury bites including the iconic bomba with vitello tonnato, and finally a selection of five Italian pastries that changes according to the time of year. Created by Pastry Chef Guillaume Smagghe, sample sweets include Cannoncino alla Crema, Babà al Caffè, Tortina Mimosa, Cannolo Siciliano and Maritozzo alla Stracciatella. Served in The Bvlgari Lounge, it's the perfect way to cozy up cooler days, and includes a hot tea, coffee or chocolate as part of the service.

Afternoon Tea Menu

La pasticceria - Niko Romito

Bulgari Hotels and Resorts La Pasticceria - Niko Romito

La Pasticceria - Niko Romito 宝格丽甜点系列包括 Niko Romito 大厨精心设计创作的 11 种糕点,它们目前已经在米兰、迪拜、北京、上海和巴黎的宝格丽酒店及度假村推出。所有糕点均以意大利地区的传统食谱为灵感,并采用比传统食谱更清淡的食材,以现代口味制作而成。精美可口的糕点,搭配高雅色彩的 Ginori 1735 盘子,让您可以在休息室悠然自如地品尝。在下午茶时间,我们提供精致小巧的糕点盘,可与精选午茶和美味小吃一起享受愉快宁静的下午。


Bulgari Hotels Cannoncino alla Crema


Hailing from Piedmont, this delicate puff pastry is filled with custard cream and carefully folded to obtain a uniform width that perfectly complements the sweet interior.

Bulgari Hotels Torta Mimosa

Torta Mimosa

A Ligurian speciality associated with International Women’s Day, wich is symbolized by the mimosa flower. Each cake is topped with cubes of cake to rasemble the gorgeous flower.

Bulgari Hotels Monte Bianco

Monte Bianco

Created in 19th century Piedmont, this dessert is named after the snowy peaks of Mont Blanc. Traditionally made with chesnut purée, this version uses natural chesnut for a lighter taste.

Bulgari Hotels Cannolo Siciliano

Cannolo Siciliano

The Sicilian classic, feauting a biscuit rolled into a perfect cylinder and filled with ricotta and organic pistacchio crumble.

Bulgari Hotels Torta Caprese

Torta Caprese

This flourless Neapolitan classic comes from Capri. It’s made with vegetables fats and make it lighter than the traditional version.

Bulgari Hotels Crostata Crema Frutta Secca

Crostata Crema e frutta secca

A traditional fruit tart with a shortbread crust, it is topped with a layer of custard and the freshest seasonal fruit.

Bulgari Hotels and Resorts Cassata


Originating in the Sicilian capital of Palermo, the cassata cake is a favourite sweet of the region. Rich in history, flavour and aroma. It conjures the unique terroir of Sicily in every bite.

Bulgari Hotels Babà con Crema Fragole

Babà crema e fragole

Soaked in rum and topped with fresh cream and strawberries, this dessert was a favourite of Neapolitan aristocracy and its secret lies in the kneading and rising time of the dough.

Bulgari Hotels Profiteroles


These smal round puff pastry choux are filled with cream and tapped with melted chocolate, a Tuscan speciality whoose name comes from the French profit meaning little gift.

Bulgari Hotels Frolla Lamponi e Nocciole

Frolla, lamponi e nocciole

From the Italian Tyrol, or Trentino-Alto Adige region, this masterpiece layers hazelnut shortbread, raspberry preserves and sliced nuts. The shortbread is made without butter.

Bulgari Hotels Millefoglie alla Vaniglia

Millefoglie alla vaniglia

One of the most popular desserts in the world, this sweet originates in Lombardy and layers delicate puff pastry with vanilla cream.


From Sunday to Thursday: 10:00 am - 12:00 am

Friday and Saturday: 10:00 am - 1:00 am 


Afternoon Tea

From Friday to Sunday from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.


Bar 2

Bvlgari Bar

Bvlgari Bar 包含着宝格丽的恢宏体量和优雅气质,是聚会的理想场所。黑色的花岗岩地板与高亮度的天花板相得益彰,优雅的黄铜装饰勾勒出当代令人赞叹的精湛工艺,漆面墙和复古风格的镜子交错,创造了一种微妙的拼图视觉效果。

Bulgari Hotel Paris - Il Ristorante - Niko Romito

Il Ristorante Niko Romito餐厅

巴黎宝格丽酒店的 Il Ristorante 餐厅结合现代和传统意大利菜肴,重新塑造亚平宁半岛的餐饮传统,充分展现意大利制造的文化、优雅和生活方式。餐厅由米其林三星名厨 Niko Romito 掌舵,每一个元素都经过设计师的精选挑选,为宾客营造温馨迷人的用餐体验 ...

Spa Suite Private Onyx Jaccuzzi


做为罗马高阶珠宝商,水疗和浴室成了宝格丽独特身份的一部分。水疗中心将这一传统与宝格丽的奢华文化相结合,向宾客提供难以忘怀的体验。水疗中心总面积约1,300平方米,覆盖酒店两层面积,同时向酒店宾客和当地居民开放。室内墙壁采用来自意大利威尼托地区的维琴察石材,冰冷质感与温暖色调的缅甸柚木相映成趣,打造一个致力于身心健康 ...


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