The Recovery Suite at The Bvlgari Spa

Bvlgari Hotel London - The Recovery Suite


الحجز في السبا


Nestled within The Bvlgari Spa, The Recovery Suite is a sanctuary for guests seeking profound rejuvenation. Here, the transformative Recovery Journey unfolds, carefully crafted by the WORKSHOP team in response to athlete-inspired wellness demands. Within this innovative space, guests undergo a journey of hot and cold therapies, guided through sauna sessions and immersion in the Brass Monkey ice bath. Curated by experts in deliberate cold-water immersion (DCI), the ice bath triggers biological responses, including increased production of Norepinephrine. This hormone plays a pivotal role in the body's fight or flight response, elevating metabolism, bolstering endurance, and fortifying the immune system. As guests embrace deliberate cold-water immersion, they not only enhance physical recovery but also cultivate resilience against fatigue, ensuring peak performance and overall wellbeing.

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