The Recovery Suite at The Bvlgari Spa

Bvlgari Hotel London - The Recovery Suite


Richiesta prenotazione


Nestled within The Bvlgari Spa, The Recovery Suite is a sanctuary for guests seeking profound rejuvenation. Here, the transformative Recovery Journey unfolds, carefully crafted by the WORKSHOP team in response to athlete-inspired wellness demands. Within this innovative space, guests undergo a journey of hot and cold therapies, guided through sauna sessions and immersion in the Brass Monkey ice bath. Curated by experts in deliberate cold-water immersion (DCI), the ice bath triggers biological responses, including increased production of Norepinephrine. This hormone plays a pivotal role in the body's fight or flight response, elevating metabolism, bolstering endurance, and fortifying the immune system. As guests embrace deliberate cold-water immersion, they not only enhance physical recovery but also cultivate resilience against fatigue, ensuring peak performance and overall wellbeing.



La Bvlgari Spa

La Bvlgari Spa è il fiore all'occhiello dell'albergo: gli ospiti possono usufruire di un'accurata selezione dei migliori trattamenti disponibili oggi per la cura della bellezza e della salute. L'offerta è flessibile: dai trattamenti specializzati singoli a interi programmi prolungati nel tempo ritagliati sulle esigenze individuali.

La ...

Bvlgari Hotel London - Workshop Gymnasium

Workshop Gymnasium

Il WORKSHOP è la destinazione principale a Londra per gli amanti del benessere e del fitness. Fondato da Lee Mullins, uno dei personal trainer più importanti al mondo, il WORKSHOP propone un nuovo livello di allenamento completo che si basa sul FRAMEWORK, un sistema di valutazione innovativo.

Bvlgari Hotel London - The Studio

The Studio

In the heart of Knightsbridge, nestled within The Bvlgari Spa, The Studio is a dynamic space dedicated to intimate training experiences. Here, guests can immerse themselves in a range of group classes catering to the desire for community-based fitness experiences. From breathwork and functional mobility sessions to yoga, Pilates, Barre, and ...
