The artists Yuichi Enomoto, Haruka Furusaka, Kiichi Kawamura, Mitsuko Kurashina, mirocomachiko are the protagonists of an exhibition that talks about nature. Their works depicting wild animals, the livelihoods of mountain people, the transformations of landscape and vegetation, the splendor of life and the wonder of creation, send a powerful message that recalls the infinite vitality, joy and resilience of the natural world. Their works, born not from remote wilderness but from inhabited places where people and nature are inextricably intertwined, question the relationship between humans and the natural world. In ancient times, people kept their eyes and ears in tune with natural laws and developed ways of living with it for centuries. The works of these five artists experience fear and wonder and open up to the spirit of the earth. Works of art that have the power to convey the voices of nature that we can no longer hear in our human-centered lifestyle.